some common health problems in poultry and how to treat them

Respiratory diseases

Some common health problems in poultry and how to treat.
Common diseases
infectious bronchitis, mycoplasma (MG), infectious (ILT).
Symptoms: sneezing, coughing, difficulty breathing.
Treatment, antibiotics (vet prescribed), supportive care, good ventilation and hygiene, vaccination (if applicable).

2. Cell invasion:

some common health problems in poultry and how to treat them.
Common parasites: internal parasites (eg fleas), external parasites (eg ticks).
Symptoms: Weight loss, reduced hair loss, gray hair, sleepiness, pain and hair loss.
Treatment, internal disinfection, external disinfection (eg dusting, spraying), environmental cleaning, pastures (for outdoor herds)

3. Coccidiosis;
• Symptoms: Bloody diarrheic, depression, loss of appetite, fluttering of wings, tremors.
• Treatment, coccidiostats (eg, arolium), supportive treatment (again, electrolyte solutions), improved hygiene, vaccination (prevention).

4. Meningitis;
Symptoms: lesions of the skin and/or mucous membranes (waterbed, comb, eyes), scabies, decreased food consumption, decreased egg production.
Treatment, supportive care, isolation of affected birds, provision of mosquito control (as they transmit the virus), vaccination (for prevention).
5. Infectious coryza;
• Symptoms: swelling, watery eyes, runny nose, facial (sinus) swelling, loss of appetite, breathing problems.
• Treatment: antibiotics (eg sulfa drugs, tetracyclines), supportive care, isolation of affected birds, immunization (for prevention).

6. Salmonellosis;
• Symptoms: diarrhea (sometimes bloody), loss of appetite, fatigue, dehydration, droopy hands.
Treatment, Antibiotics (for appropriate treatment, consult a veterinarian), supportive care (hydration, electrolyte solutions), improved sanitation, vaccinations (for prevention).
7. Topics related to eggs;
• Common problems. Egg binding, soft egg, egg peritonitis.
• Symptoms: difficulty spawning, stress, fatigue, abdominal swelling.
• Treatment, Gentle massage to aid ovulation, calcium supplementation, supportive care, proper nutrition and environmental conditions.

8. Heat stress;

some common health problems in poultry and how to treat them.
Symptoms: Shortness of breath, shortness of breath, fatigue, ovarian cysts, wheezing.
Treatment, Provide adequate shade and ventilation, cooling measures (eg, vacuum systems, fans), cold water, electrolyte supplementation.
9. Sauerkraut;
Symptoms: Difficulty breathing, bloating, constipation, loss of appetite, discomfort.
• Treatment, Improve digestion with hand secretions (animal control), temporary food restriction, bacterial control, good food management.
10. Leg Foot;

some common health problems in poultry and how to treat them.
Symptoms: Swelling, redness, pain and/or itching of the foot pad, lameness.